Parenting Mistakes

Parenting is a skill that most of us master only with practice. It is very easy to get frustrated when you have a small kid at home. The manner in which parents handle childhood challenges shapes the character and self esteem of small children. Unpleasant methods can crush the motivation levels and discourage character. The purpose of this article is to highlight 5 parenting mistakes which we as parents frequently make.

Most Parenting Mistake  
Let us have a look at the most parenting mistakes.
  1. The Word NO - Use the word "NO" sparingly. At times the use of this word may be compulsory- to caution a child say when she is reaching for the bucket of hot water which you may have kept for your bath. It is necessary that you use the word "NO" for your child's own good. Medical research has indicated that a child's natural curiosity is quelled each time they hear this word. Hence, make use of your own rational judgment while deciding when to use "NO". Use it when absolutely essential and save it to be used in situations when the child may be in the danger of harming herself.When used in irrelevant contexts the whole word loses its meaning and the child too will stop taking it seriously. Needless to say there is not set rule book which will guide you perfectly on this score.

  2. Mollycoddling - Children will fall, hurt themselves, get bumped and bruised. They will get wounded quite frequently. It is very common for parents especially first times ones to panic and jump to the child's rescue as soon as they see the child falling, tripping or stumbling. Although aimed to help the child, such impulsive action on behalf of the parents will hinder the child's ability to cope with hardships on their own. This does not mean that you let a child drown in a swimming pool under the impression that she will cope on her own. Here too you must use your judgment to decide when a child really needs your assistance.  It is best to save the cuddling and coddling for times when a child needs it.

  3. Three S's (Speeding, Smoking and Swearing) - Speeding, smoking and swearing are three things which are best avoided when your children are around. Speeding or reckless driving, especially when you have little ones in the car can be life threatening. Contrary to popular belief second-hand smoke is also not safe for children. It can affect a child's health for years down the road, not just when their lungs are young. Remember as a parent you are the first role models whom your children look up to. They pick up the language you use and certain words very easily. This includes swear words which we may use when we are angry or in a foul mood.

  4. Too Many After School Activities - Do not schedule too many after school activities for your child. Research has indicated that such children tend to be over-programmed and stressed out. Instead of enrolling your child in every kind of after-school activity available let the kid play with children of her own age or experience boredom. This will encourage them to be more creative with their time and grow positively which they cannot do when they participate in structured activities.

  5. Spending Too Little Quality Time - Instead of spending too much time in front of monitors- television and computers attempt to spend some quality time with your children. There are a whole lot of fun activities like going out for a bike ride with your kid or walk through a park. You can teach children the wonders of the world around them by spending time away-from-electronics gadgets.